Shoe photography - your shoes are the stars.
There are all kinds of different types of shoes. From sandals to boots to classy high heels. Every shoe is worth paying attention to individually. Use professional and unusual product photos for your online shop or catalog. We deliver digital representations of your products to you quickly and inexpensively and thus help you to have a successful internet presence. Contact us today for an individual offer!
We offer you individual solutions for your entire product range
Whether running shoes, summer sandals or work shoes - we put your goods in the limelight and guarantee you satisfied customers.
Shoe photography request
Contact us for an individual offer and see for yourself how much time and money you can save by outsourcing.
The nerdchandise photo factory team has been working in the field of product images and image processing for many years and has extensive experience in e-commerce. Thus we can supply you with all the necessary components for an optimal website. All pictures can be delivered in the format of your choice. The images can be used for print advertisements, catalogs or advertising just as easily.
90% of online shoppers say photo quality is the number one factor when selling online.
78% of online shoppers want photos that bring products to life .
21.8% of the world's population shops online, which corresponds to 1.66 billion people .

Professional product photos
When it comes to product photos for shoes, special rules apply, because taking photos of shoes requires compliance with certain requirements. Product photos have to be attractive and promotional - but it can also be the case that they are photographed so unfavorably that they appear less attractive in the photo than in reality. This leads to disappointment and dissatisfied customers. With a few tricks, shoes can be optimally presented in order to convey haptic impressions and thus create an incentive for the customer to buy.
Step by step to success with good product photos
Product photos are subject to special requirements, because sandals, boots and co. Must appear lively in the photos and that requires certain techniques for the product presentation. The potential customer should experience an incentive to buy and have a positive shopping experience that is equivalent to shopping in a local store when shopping online. Bad product photos tend to scare off customers and give them the feeling that the product is inferior. With the right sharpness, the right presentation of the products, with the right lighting and some important elements, shoes can be presented optimally.
Position shoes correctly
Anyone who can find a live model who carries the items for the product photos has the best prerequisites to be able to photograph them and to put them in a perfect picture. But even if the model is not available for the display, the shoes should be shown lively so that the customer's imagination is stimulated.
A couple lying limp in the photo looks unattractive. If you take photos of shoes and rely on the product photos being designed as if the item were on your foot, you will immediately achieve better effects and a lively impression. When photographing shoes, you should make sure that the product photos look as if they are being worn. With some accessories such as stands or invisible nylon cords, which make it easier to present the shoes, it is possible to breathe life into the item for the desired photo. You should always make sure that the photos of the shoes give the potential buyer an idea of what the shoes will look like when they are actually worn.
There are many ways of adding life to shoes for product photos. The products can be filled with tissue paper or crumpled paper to appear plump. Shoe carriers can be used for this, or the shoes can be kept in the right shape using nylon threads or even dental floss. The possibilities increase with the imagination you use to present the shoes.
In the established shop, you can see the shoes beautifully presented on tables and stands to create buying incentives. Retailers use this presentation to present their products in an appealing way. The same rules apply to online trading, although you have to give the customer the perspective from which they can look at the shoes yourself. This means that photographing shoes is more demanding than when a retailer presents his shoes in a store.
Choosing the right background
In principle, product photos should never appear overloaded and a clear background should be chosen. It must be ensured that only the shoes are in the foreground and are not distracted by accessories, patterns or multi-colored backgrounds. Most online marketplaces provide a pure white background as a basic requirement. In this way, all colors are ideally presented. The uniform look also has a positive effect on the appearance of the shop. By then cropping the product photos, you have the opportunity to easily place your product on any background of your choice. A great advantage that allows you to act flexibly and underlines a professional appearance.
Softeners are taboo when photographing shoes
Soft focus can be flattering used in many areas of photography. When taking photos of shoes, however, you should refrain from making the photos optically softer. The customer can only see very imprecisely what to buy. The softer the picture, the less the potential customer can realistically recognize the product. You should also use a tripod when taking product photos, as this minimizes the risk of blurring and gives the image the optimum sharpness, which is of fundamental importance in product photography.
Many views of the product stimulate the imagination
A big mistake in the online presentation of products is to show too few perspectives of the product. The customer would like to have the same options in the online shop to view the product from all sides as would be the case in a retail shop. This means that you should implement the product photos extensively and from many perspectives. The side view, the rear view, the view from above and thus the view from all perspectives, which one also uses in reality to look at the product when buying shoes, are ideal. With lots of product photos you win the customer!
Time-saving and cheap
Save your resources for more important tasks and leave the creation of product photos to the professional. Our team is very familiar with the requirements of online customers and online marketplaces and provides you with high-quality photos according to your ideas. We are happy to advise you in detail on the possibilities of product photography and are also at your disposal in the field of post-production. You can then cut out your pictures, retouch small disruptive factors such as scratches, dust and fingerprints, recolor the article or insert shadows and reflections. According to your requirements and the purpose of the pictures. We can also offer you Amazon and Ebay product photography for your goods. Contact us today for an individual offer!

Why have shoes photographed at nerdchandise photo factory?
Photographers are a dime a dozen, almost everyone now has their own camera ... So why should you have your products photographed by us of all people?
The value of photos for a website is usually underestimated. The pictures in particular are a reflection of the company. Or replace the walk to the shop.
We bundle our entire know-how, our experience and creativity for you. Together with you, we will develop tailor-made recordings for you and your website. We want to bring your company and your products to your customers' homes. To do this, we put all of our passion and expertise into your recordings.